Dear Sirs


I understand that in an effort to improve organ donation rates, the Welsh Government plans to introduce a system of presumed, or deemed, consent to Wales. If a person fails to make a decision about donating their organs after death, the state will presume that consent has been given.


The Christian Medical Fellowship  has on a number of occasions expressed concern with the principles underpinning this Bill; I am adding my concerns and my family’s concerns to theirs.


Responses to the initial public consultation and the subsequent draft Bill reflects significant opposition with both the concept of introducing presumed consent and the wording and operation of the draft Bill itself, from Christians both Catholic and Protestant and also the Muslim community.


Although the Welsh government has said all along that it will introduce ‘soft’ opt-out legislation, allowing the family of the deceased a role in the final decision, the Bill as it stands does not in fact allow for this.


While provision is made in the draft memorandum (p20), there is no provision in the Bill itself for providing distressed relatives with a right to object to the removal of organs when no consent was given by the deceased.

I am voicing my objection to this bill